Holly Jirovsky

Feb 8, 2014

BSS- Big Night Out Beauty

It is time to assemble all of your efforts and actually “get ready” for your big night out!

I put together an ensemble of products from Maybelline, not because I am a diehard Maybelline fan, but because you can find their products in almost any place, regardless of how small and they are affordable.  (And secretly I feel they are at least one step up from Cover Girl.)

This is my night out makeup routine and I’ll lead you through it.

1)      Always start with a good primer.  It’ll smooth out your skin and let the rest of the makeup lay better on your skin.

2)      Next step is foundation.  Make sure to apply it more than just on your face, blend it down your neck and sometimes on your chest.

3)      Now it’s time to cover your imperfections.  Blemishes, under eye circles and any other flaws can easily be blotted away with concealer.  Be sure to use the right formula for each specific area.  Undereye concealer is generally a thinner consistency than blemish concealer so it doesn’t cake into fine lines.

4)      In the winter, I like to use a cream blush because my skin is so dry.  And if you are using a cream blush, you can to put it on now, before the powder.  If you were using a powder blush, it would go on after the powder.

5)      Set all of your makeup with the powder so it lasts.  Be careful not to be too heavy with this step.  Especially in the winter when dewy skin is more challenging!

6)      Before we get started on your eyes, now is the time I like to focus on your eyebrows.  Don’t skip this step!  Filling them in is very important to framing your face.  For evening, you can go a little heavier here than you would for a daytime look.

7)      I try to focus on one feature with makeup.  If you want a rosy glow, let that be your feature.  If you want a smoky eye, go easy on the lip.  Going with a red lip, tone down the eye makeup.  For this look, I’m doing a smoky eye, so the lip color I chose is a neutral rose color.  If you choose an eye palette with at least two colors, it makes it easier to pair complimentary colors.  I use the lightest color all over the lid and the darker color in the crease and in the outside corners.

8)      I always put my eyeliner on after I’m done with the shadows because I like its intensity.  If you wanted to down it down, you could do it before.

9)      And finally for eyes, mascara!  A few coats for a special event.

10)   Lastly, the lips.  For a big night out, I take the time to line them and also use the pencil to color them in a little.  It helps the lipstick stay longer.

11)   Top it off with a little lipstick and you’re red carpet ready!

This is just a simple makeup routine for a fancy evening.  Clearly, you can make this process more or less complicated as you wish.  But doing something a little more than your everyday makeup can really make you look and feel special.  If you never wear lipstick, add it in.  If you usually only wear mascara, make your eyes the feature for a special evening.  Play up it up!

Big Night Out Beauty by stylefromthesticks featuring maybelline eye makeup

Maybelline beauty product

$13 – fragrancedirect.co.uk

Maybelline beauty product


Maybelline beauty product

$4.88 – thehut.com

Maybelline face powder

$23 – nelly.com

Maybelline mousse blush


Maybelline makeup primer

$15 – thehut.com

Maybelline concealer

$15 – nelly.com

Maybelline concealer


Maybelline makeup

$13 – nelly.com

Maybelline makeup

$11 – nelly.com

Maybelline eye makeup


Maybelline eye makeup


#Beauty #Maybelline #polyvore #redcarpet