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28 Days of My Style

Can you handle it?  I love Instyle’s 28 Days of Style and I’ve done a posts with pieces I’ve found that would work for fall and spring.  But I’m challenging myself to do it with my own clothes for 28 days.  I’m hoping to show that it doesn’t always take a mountain of clothing to mix pieces and rewear them. My two disclaimers are this- one, if we have unseasonably warm weather, this could be challenging as I’ve picked clothing for fall-like temperatures.  Two, I may get really, really sick of these pieces.  And may never want to wear them again.  But I think I’ve left myself enough flexibility to get by each day.  Ah!  Let’s hope so! If I drive away all of my loyal followers with what I wear each day this October, I promise never to do it again.  But my version will be the real life version!  And both of us live in the real world. Tomorrow I will show my repeater pieces!


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