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Black Friday Store #2

Holly Jirovsky

To continue my Black Friday shopping extravaganza, I think we finally left Nebraska Furniture Mart at about eight o’clock.  And just about across the street is a Target.  So guess where we headed next?

Now, I’ve stood in line almost all the way around the building before at NFM and was surprised to see that the lines barely made it to the parking lot.  But I expected by the time we got to Target, many of the doorbusters would be gone.  I mean, didn’t they open the night before?

But surprisingly, I got just about everything on my list there too.  The only doorbusters that seemed really cleared out were some of the toys.  At Target, I bought my child a 3DS XL for $150 at eight in the morning.  People, this just doesn’t happen normally.

Another thing that just doesn’t happen normally, we went right up to the cash register.  On Black Friday.  I thought maybe I was in some sort of dream.  I’m not sure if the shopping was less this year because a) people were mad that stores opened on Thanksgiving, b) they had already shopped the night before, c) they all shopped online, or d) no one was shopping this year.  No matter the reason, it made for an excellent day of shopping for me.  And I so happy to have a year of non-crowded Black Friday shopping.

Here’s all I purchased at Target:

1) Girl Legos- this was a must have on my kid’s list this year

2) Disney dolls including the Frozen girl

3) 3DS XL $150

4) Movies/games

5) Flannel sheets

6) Keurig coffeemaker $99


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