Progress has been slow lately as all of our kids’ activities have been picking up. That’s right. Upon this writing we have:
Four kids
Two houses
One dog
One Fixer Upper truck
Two kids in soccer
One in dance
One in baseball
And one soccer coach
Two kids in piano/guitar
One full-time job that earns money
One full-time job that does not
Two part-time jobs that earn money
Oh, and we have a life
That totals a ton of insanity. How do we do it? Not very well. But we’re managing. So there are times when work comes to a halt.
Today I’ll show you some after pictures of my paint job. And know that we have been making a ton of purchases for the new home. As the designer, that means tons of decisions made by me. I really enjoy this part. And I totally feel for those of you who have built new homes. Without having some experience at this, it would be really difficult to make such decisions!
Here is the master bedroom all painted up. This was BM Owl Gray. It has blue/green undertones.

Master Before

Master Bedroom
Here is the second bedroom. I painted this one the beloved BM Revere Pewter.

Second Bedroom

Second Bedroom After
(Sorry that picture is a little fuzzy.)
Here’s the hallway, done in BM Classic Gray like the living room and kitchen.


Hallway After
(Geez. That one’s blurry too. I’ll get some better picts!)
Living Room before-

Living Room

Living Room After
I was still trimming when I took this shot. Clearly it’s going to look a little better without all of the tools in it. 🙂
Now on to the kitchen. In the kitchen I have a little surprise. Remember when we opened up the wall between the kitchen and living room? We did a little something special with that opening.
Kitchen before-

“Dining” Room
And after-

Kitchen Dining Area
Do you like that opening? I had an idea on framing that opening with some beams. They are from the outdoor section at your local home improvement store. These are made of cedar, as you do not want treated lumber in your interior. And I stained them Minwax Jacobean Stain. For some reason I did not take any pictures of that process. I must have been in a hurry!

Beams With Supports
Here’s from the entry before-

From Entry Before

From Entry
Here’s a close up-

Close Up
I may be biased but I think they turned out lovely. It draws your attention to that space and makes it beautiful instead of boring.
More surprises to come!