It is August, one of the saddest months of the year for me. Ever since I had kids, my love for summer has increased. If I could bottle up for the other nine months of the year the feeling of my skin soaking up the sun, the water lapping by the pool, running barefoot through the grass and the sound of crickets at night, it would sell like hotcakes. (What is that expression from anyway?) Knowing my sweet babies are going to be another grade older makes me want to sit down and cry. It means another year of alarm clocks and schedules and cold winter. Another year of school and a summer lost from our 18 or so we have together. August should be erased from the calendar. I’m going to do my absolute best and drag my feet through this whole month. Literally kicking and screaming I will go back to school, if I must. Meanwhile I’m going to absorb every morning of sleeping in with a little hand clutching mine. Because not only is the summer fleeting but so is time. On that bright and positive note, here’s to never ending summer! More on fashion tomorrow when I can get past this calendar change!
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