I have been officially blogging for three years now. And that’s about 1000 posts. If you’ve been reading since the beginning, kudos to you! And now you know a little too much about me. 😉
Hopefully I have kept you entertained with all of my ramblings about fashion, motherhood, adventures in decorating and my family.
And now we come to the time where I (only once a year) shameless ask that if you follow me, you’d share my blog with any friends you think would love to read this blog.
As you may know, Facebook keeps changing things and it may be harder to find me. If you feel so inclined, I’d love for you to check the “get notifications” option for Style from the Sticks under your follow tab.
Here’s to hoping I never get a bad case of writer’s block! And to many more years!
Ways to share the Style from the Sticks’ love:
Instagram- http://www.instagram.com/stylefromthesticks
Polyvore- http://stylefromthesticks.polyvore.com/