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Shoe Craft

Holly Jirovsky

While in Payless awhile ago, I stumbled upon an idea I had come to life and I’m so glad.  They’re called boot cuffs.  You heard it here first.  They are like leg warmers in fur to top off your boot.  Why are they so great?  Because you can transform any pair of boots (short or tall!) you have in your closet into a fur trimmed boot. They aren’t very expensive, but I happen to have a piece of faux fur lying around that I’ve been wondering what to do with.  I think with a little sewing, I’m going to have my very own boot cuffs. Here are the ones from Payless-

Women’s (1 pk) Faux Fur Boot Cuffs $13 How should I make these?  I think they’ll need to be stretchy, so I’m going to need some elastic.  Just so happens I have a bunch of that in my sewing supplies as well.  FYI- the sewing I have listed below if handsewing, as I’m afraid of trying out a machine with the fur on a regular needle.  Plus that way you have no excuse as to why you can’t make these (I don’t have a sewing machine…). 1) I would make a pattern.  Measure around the top of the boot cuff.  Now draw on some cardstock the shape you want.  Make the length match the measurement of the boot cuff.  I’d recommend three inches of fur tall to have a good trimmed out look.  Now add 1/2 inch seam allowance around all the edges.  Cut out your pattern. 2) Place your pattern on the back side of your fur fabric and cut out two pieces, making sure your pieces are cut the same way and so that you are cutting the backside of the weave that the fur attaches to and not the hair of the fur.  (Does that make sense?) 3) Measure and cut two pieces (or four if you’d like them to be stretchy on top and bottom of the fur pieces) the same length as your boot cuff measurements. 4)  Now sew the elastic to the back of your fur pieces with some simple handstitches. 5) Now hem the fur all the way around and sew together the ends. 6)  Top off your boot! I hope you enjoyed this simple craft for footwear! p.s.  Payless can be a great place for cheap accessories too.  It’s hit or miss.  There are times you find earrings like this that you just love for eight dollars.

Women’s Square Rhinestone Stud Earrings


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