Holly Jirovsky

Oct 3, 2011

Fall Fashion

Okay, here it is.  This is what I think are the top five MUST have style items for fall that I’ve been reading/seeing and am actually going to apply to my real life.
1)  A leather or suede skirt.  Yes this reminds me of junior high, but done right, I think this is definitely something I can work into my wardrobe.  Pair with a fun blouse and some high heeled oxfords, penny loafers or boots and you’re back-to-school.
2)  Colored corduroys.  Now I’m resorting to elementary school…  I reminds me of the corduroys and shirts outfits my mother bought me in the third grade. But I’m so tired of neutral pants.  And sometimes patterned pants can be tricky.  Here’s a change that makes a statement without having too much angst about what to pair with it.  Burnt orange cords + ivory or grey sweaters = one happy fashionista.
3) Anything lace.  Lace seems to be everywhere.  It screams Victorian but pair a lace top with a tweed skirt, oo la la!  Coco Chanel baby.
4)  Cropped pants.  Gotta love showing a little bit of shoe before the snow flies. And they will work wonderfully with boots when the snow hits.  A little Audrey Hepburn but with a modern twist, these are a must-have.  Here are a pair from Ann Taylor-