When little girls come to church bearing flowers for you (picked weeds), then you’ll know that Bible school has its own sweet rewards. So if you’re helping or planning on helping with the children at your church this summer, here’s your uniform- comfy maxi dress (check), sparkly accessories that will mesmerize little girls (check), bright colors so they won’t lose you from games to crafts (check). Knowing they are learning while you share God’s love= worth it all.
Bible School by stylefromthesticks featuring wedge shoes
AX Paris strapless dress £30 – axparis.co.uk
Forever 21 wedge shoes $25 – forever21.com
Jane Norman oversized handbag £18 – janenorman.co.uk
Monsoon bracelet $35 – monsoon.co.uk
Wallis rhinestone earrings $7 – wallisfashion.com