Today are the last few rooms of the house I decorated for Christmas, the kitchen and the dining room.
Here’s the hutch that sits in my kitchen, full of reindeer-

Hutch Full of Reindeer

Close Up

I kept it pretty simple this year in the kitchen. Just a strand of lighted garland and some letters I hung on my kitchen window screen-

Kitchen with Garland

Noel in the Window
Here’s the coffee station, ready to brew you some hot cocoa in my Christmas mugs-

Coffee Station with Christmas Mugs
Here’s the dining room-

Chandelier in Dining Room


Nativity and Tablescape

Inside Hutch
I usually take down all of the flowers in my house and try to replace them with some greenery or Christmasy flowers.
Tomorrow, it’s is my last day of the tour and I’ll show you my red and white tree!