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Holly Jirovsky

The Man Cave

In our old house, we didn’t really have a “man cave.”  Our plans did eventually include making one, but now we’ll have a new place for my husband to dwell on all things manly. When we bought the house, the basement walls were painted WHITE.  And along with white carpeting, it was a little alarming.  It has a lovely fireplace with a pinky taupe brick and the WHITE was doing nothing for it.  Please don’t get me wrong, my absolute favorite color (or lack of it) in the world is WHITE.  But it just wasn’t working in this case. Let the painting begin!  I think my paint brushes and rollers are starting to smoke for overuse.   🙂 I know that eventually this room may contain some bright red accents as my husband is an enormous Husker fan.  So I wanted to choose a color that would go along with the red but also liven up that wall and create a space that was warm and inviting…a man cave! I was inspired by this photo as well as a few other old Pottery Barn photos-

(Image courtesy of

My sister and I pondered what colors to do the room in.  I was really set on a carmelly brown but had some reservations as to how it would look right up against that fireplace brick.  I thought the orange tone (warm) in the paint would clash with the pink tone (cool) in the fireplace.  And it was suggested that I paint that wall and the wall above the cupboards below a darker more chocolately brown. The colors chosen were Cup O’ Joe from True Value and Ivanhoe. After some help painting from a sweet neighbor lady, here are the afters-

The cupboards at the bottom of the steps.

A view of the bar.

The space feels so much more welcoming now.

Doesn’t that fireplace just pop?

Now, the only question left being, what do I do with this wall?  Do I paint it the future color of the stairs or do I paint it brown?  My gut tells me the same as the stairs but what do you think?


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