Our guest bedroom is just about going to get its first usage, so I thought you might like to see it. It is in the basement and still has stark WHITE walls and I’m having some trouble deciding on a paint color. Here’s how it looks with the bare bones furniture-

And here’s a picture of the comforter for the bed. This room adjoins my brown basement so whatever paint color I choose, it has to “go.”

I’ve thought about just doing a cream but at this point I’m a little scared to see the color go up on account of me. I’m slowing trying edge out the cream. The other color I considered was a mossy green to pick up some of the colors in the comforter. I’m not sure what they look like on your monitor, but they are really more of a coral red. I was thinking that might also go well with the brown. Here’s an upclose picture-

Here’s a few options-

Benjamin Moore’s Baby Turtle

Benjamin Moore’s Providence Olive
What do you think? Am I totally barking up the wrong tree? Too Christmasy?