With all the craziness of the past week(s), I am in a reflectful mood tonight about what this all means.
What I Hope Will Come From This
The hand wave and a smile return every time people pass each other on the road.
The porches are full of families and friends, chatting with passerbys.
Biking riding as families, gangs of biking kids are the norm.
Libraries are full of people checking out books, real books, to cuddle up with a night.
Gardens grow all summer long, full of food that people share and save.
All ballgames are packed full of people sitting in their folding chair who just want to eat a hot dog and popcorn and cheer on the hometown boys/girls.
Courthouse squares are a gathering place for the community to listen to music deep into summer nights.
Kids spend more time outside catching fireflies and putting them in jars to watch their lights.
Families grow, babies are welcomed because having a sibling is having someone to play catch with, someone to talk to, someone to share a room and a life with.
Couples spend time holding hands, walking, talking, looking each other in the eye.
Everyone has a new appreciation for their grandparents and grandchildren and the elderly.
Churches are full every Sunday for fellowship and worship the One who is most important.
We all slow down just a little and remember when life is slowed, what is really important.