Holly JirovskyJul 25, 2014Wedding Week- White TieWhile it may be rare, there does exist one more label on the wedding invitation that may give you pause, white tie. Basically, if you see...
Holly JirovskyJul 24, 2014Wedding Week- Black TieI’ve posted many a time about what it means when the invitation says “black tie.” You can read more about that here. What’s the short...
Holly JirovskyJul 23, 2014Wedding Week- MilitaryA military wedding can mean different wardrobe choices. There are informal military weddings. Most military wedding I’ve seen have...
Holly JirovskyJul 22, 2014Wedding Week- DestinationDestination weddings are becoming more and more popular. Who wouldn’t want to get outta dodge and go some place exotic or historic? If...
Holly JirovskyJul 21, 2014Wedding Week- CasualIt’s wedding season and many of you have weddings coming up to attend. What to wear? This week, I’ll give you five outfits to wear...