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Blame it all on my roots, I have fallen in love with the west. Again.

While the early 90s had some wildly ;) popular cowboy fashion, it also emerged again in the early 2000s. It's back again and I know why. I innocently started watching the TV series, Yellowstone with the Mr. about a month ago. And let me tell you, it made me homesick immediately.

Honey, I grew up with men in Carhartt jackets and western cut suits. Nearly everyone wore boots. I am from big sky country and while the show is total fiction, there are elements of the lawlessness that I feel the west still has. And just like the show, ranchers like farmers care so much about their land. Many families, just like the Duttons, are concerned with how to keep their land in the family.

And so the scenery, the story, the music and guess what, the fashion has made me fall all in love, all over again with the west.

Apparently, I am not the only one who is in love with this show. ;) I expect a giant surge in western fashion, particularly of a vintage nature. There is something so HOMEY about these things. They immediately send me back to my childhood. While I don't dress in my cowboy hat every day, there are pieces that meld beautifully with the Boho vibe. It's definitely easy wear. Think 1985 Dallas, the TV show, or Urban Cowboy, the movie. Or even this old Stetson early 90s commercial- am I the only one who remembers these things?

Be on the look out for any of the following:

Western cut jackets,

Lined flannel jackets,

Canvas jackets,

Pearl button shirts,

Aztec prints,

Neck scarves,

Tribal prints,

Fleece jackets,

Tooled leather,

Felt hats

Big collars & Boxy cuts

And your typical fall items:


Suede & Leather



Denim & Plaids

You can say you saw here first.

And please, no spoilers! I'm only through season 2!

My last swimsuit to feature is one of my favorite colors this year...yellow. We can all use a little bit more yellow in our lives right now. It's happy, it's fresh, it's upbeat. It's the color of sunshine and being outside getting your vitamin D is a must.

This suit has lots of good lines. And it's a totally easy wear. Slap it on and your out the door. More time for fun, less time for worries. I love it's tropical print. It makes me feel like I'm in Hawaii. Some day that's going to happen for me!

I added in another little yellow scarf so I'm not worried about too much cheek showin.

And that's a wrap folks! I hope you enjoyed this extremely fun but nerve racking photo shoot and it's given you some ideas on how to get in the darn suit and have some fun already- in something festive!

Many thanks to my hometown aquatic center. You are my happy place and I'm so grateful to have you!

I might be part hippie at heart. There's something about that culture of nature loving, peace loving and free spiritness that resonates with me. I guess that's my Type B showing.

I have this little suit that I don't wear much because of the cut outs. It's for more of a tropical trip kind of suit. But why not show you what that could look like too?

I love its Boho vibe, so I played into it- adding my head wrap, another cute beach blanket and a scarf to wear as a coverup. The scarf has a little edge and sass to it with a scull on the print.

Do you love the Boho look as much as me?

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