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Holly Jirovsky
Mar 8, 2013
Spring Break- Travel Day
If you are actually returning to the land of the frozen tundra…by choice, at least make the trip home comfy and easy and a little less of...

Holly Jirovsky
Mar 7, 2013
Spring Break- Tennis Anyone?
Need to get a good workout in? Grab a racket and pack this little number. Add in some pops of color and your score won’t be “love” on...

Holly Jirovsky
Mar 6, 2013
Spring Break- Islands In the Stream
I’m referring here to the song, not the novel because this outfit is all about romance. As is the song. This is your date night outfit....

Holly Jirovsky
Mar 5, 2013
Spring Break- Sweet Ride
I hope you get a chance to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather, wherever you go. I’m hankering for a bike ride myself right about...

Holly Jirovsky
Mar 4, 2013
Spring Break- Anchors Away
Oh you lucky ladies. Those of you who are going away to somewhere warm and leaving the rest of us jealous! Jealous and buried in snow....

Holly Jirovsky
Feb 14, 2013
Valentine’s Day
I had a great day. How about you? I hope you went out and did something fun. I was spoiled rotten. I woke up to flowers and...

Holly Jirovsky
Feb 14, 2013
Ash Wednesday
I was going to post this earlier but didn’t have time. Today is Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. Take a few minutes today to think...

Holly Jirovsky
Jan 31, 2013
Spring Trends- Sheer & Lace
You are going to start to wonder if anything I’m reporting here is new. But we’ll just say these trends are new…again? Anything sheer or...

Holly Jirovsky
Jan 30, 2013
Spring Trends- Leather, Leather, Leather
You just can’t shake this trend. And I know beyond outerwear, leather really intimidates most of you. Can I wear this dress to work? ...

Holly Jirovsky
Jan 29, 2013
Spring Trends- Black and White with Stripes
As promised, we are going to focus on spring. As I write this, it is raining and thundering in Iowa, in January! And nothing makes me...

Holly Jirovsky
Jan 4, 2013
What to Wear with Patterned Pants
Most of us don’t even get brave enough to purchase these, but they are a big trend. And really a fun way to freshen up your wardrobe....

Holly Jirovsky
Jan 3, 2013
What to Wear with Patterned Heels
They call to you in the department store and they’re too hard to resist. But then there they are in your closet and you are wondering...

Holly Jirovsky
Jan 2, 2013
What to Wear with Polka Dots
Polka dots don’t have to equal dressing like you’re January Jones in Mad Men. Image courtesy of

Holly Jirovsky
Dec 30, 2012
What to Wear with Ankle Boots
Ankle boots are the ultimate in fashion huh? They are for the fashion risk takers. It’s okay to wear them with boot cut jeans and cover...

Holly Jirovsky
Dec 27, 2012
What to Wear with Tall Boots
Tall boots can be tricky. Here’s a rule- don’t wear anything that bunches at the knee and keep your pants cut skinny. Riding boots are...

Holly Jirovsky
Dec 24, 2012
New Year’s Eve
It’s New Year’s Eve! Go all out- wear the glitz, wear the tall heels, wear the fake eyelashes (here’s a tip- buy extra glue!), but keep...

Holly Jirovsky
Dec 22, 2012
Christmas Day
Yea! It’s finally Christmas Day! I hope you all have someone to share this special day with, have a meal and remember the birth of our...

Holly Jirovsky
Dec 22, 2012
Opening Gifts
Opening gifts on Christmas Eve? Or maybe you can hold out until Christmas morning? Either way, if you are doing if in front of...

Holly Jirovsky
Dec 21, 2012
Christmas Eve
As you are heading to a Christmas Eve service, don’t let the big night intimidate you. You don’t have to have a special dress, just wear...

Holly Jirovsky
Dec 20, 2012
Wrapping Presents
Does anyone else think a gift wrapping service sounds pretty good right now? I always think that wrapping presents is going to be fun....
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